Zaynab Institute short courses are especially meant for sisters who seek inspiration and short enrichment courses, but cannot commit to a full time study. 

  • These courses take place during the term breaks of our longer programs 
  • Duration: between 5-10 days at a time. 
  • Class and recording links will be sent to registrants
  • No exams
  • No certificates
Please subscribe to our social media channels – especially on our channels on Whatsapp and Telegram, for reminders and real time information on accessing courses. 

Some of these courses are also a requirement for the CIL course students. If you have signed up for the CIL program, please do NOT register for these courses, as your registration will be managed separately. 

What do we teach on our short courses?

Seerah: Makki Period

Course Description: The beautiful life of our beloved Prophet (SAWS) begins with pre-Islamic Arabia, follows his early life, and then describes the challenging times in Makkah after prophethood. This course also discusses major questions and debates regarding certain topics about the seerah.

Spiritual Parenting

Course Description: On this course the students delve into the spiritual aspect of nurturing our children – and how to incorporate spirituality as a part of your parenthood.

Purification of the Heart

Course Description: This course covers the spiritual diseases of the heart and focuses on how to identify and practically treat them so we can become people with sound hearts and peaceful lives.  Problems such as anger, jealousy, malice, and arrogance are covered in detail in the light of the Quran, Hadith, scholarly texts as well as in the practice of psychology. Classes are enriched with interactive sessions and self-development worksheets.

This course has been divided into two parts: Part 1 taking place in Fall term and Part 2 in Spring term. Students are required to register to both parts separately.

Understanding Marriage and Relationships

Course Description: This course gives students tools to navigate common issues and problems in marriage and other relationships – such as parents and inlaws, in an Islamic fashion.

Islamic Studies and Life Skills: Book of Assistance 

Course Description: On this course the students will be going through Imam al Haddad’s Book of Assistance, a very famous treatise on the most important aspects in the life of a muslim. The book of Assistance is a complete guide to Muslims devotions, acts of worship, dhikr and practical ethics.

Short Courses Schedule